Friday, March 25, 2011

The questions

All right, the questions. 1) What do researchers consider to be the
causes of the rapid spread of bedbugs?
2) What is the explanation for the bedbug's preference for remote
hiding places?
Since Joe has already answered in English, the rest of the group
should send answers in Spanish.
Ah, and don't use translators because translators (traductores) produce very strange Spanish sentences.
Base your answers on cognates and your ability to reconstruct ideas.
Don't forget to send your answers to Comments. If you
want to read the magazine article on line click the Title


  1. Josè "Joe" Rivera : My answers:
    1.-Researchers blame the rapid spread of bedbugs on increased international travel and the bugs’ growing resistance to certain pesticides
    2.- The bedbug’s preference for remote hiding places, a key to its proliferation, may have something to do with its sex life.

  2. Daniel Nuñez Flores
    1.-Los investigadores culpan la rápida propagación de los ácaros por el aumento de los viajes internacionales y la resistencia a los insectos creciente a ciertos plaguicidas

    2.-La preferencia de los ácaros de cama para escondites remotos,es una clave para su proliferación, y puede tener algo que ver con su vida sexual.

  3. 1.-los investigadores culpan la propagacion por el aumento de viajes internacionales y por algunos pestisidas.

    2.-La preferencia de los ácaros de cama para escondites remotos,es una clave para su proliferación, y puede tener algo que ver con su vida sexual.
