Friday, February 25, 2011

Name, age, country and activity

He is Daisuke

He is 31 years old

He is from Japan

He is a baseball player

Yes questions:

Is he Daisuke? Yes, he is

Is he 31 years old? Yes, he is

Is he from Japan? Yes, he is

Is he a baseball player? Yes he is

No questions:

Is he Kobe Bryant? No, he isn't

Is he 20 years old? No he isn't

Is he from Canada? No he isn't

Is he a tennis player? No, he isn't

“W” questions:

Who is he? He is Daisuke

How old is he? He is 31 years old

Where is he from? He is from Japan

What is he? He is a baseball player

Friday, February 18, 2011

Activities week February 14th-18th: Introductions and greetings

-Good morning, my name is Daniel. What’s your name?

-My name is Ursula.

-Ursula, nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you, too, Daniel.

-Good morning, Claudia. How are you?

-Fine, thank you. And you?

-Very fine. Claudia, this is my friend José Luis. José Luis, this is my friend, Claudia.

-Nice to meet you, José Luis.

-Nice to meet you, too, Claudia.

The other cases:

I am Nayeli / She is Yessica / She is Magdiel

I am Mexican / She is Mexican / She is Mexican, too

I am a woman / She is a woman / She is a woman, too

Questions for yes and questions for no:

Are you Ana Laura?: Yes, I am / - Are you Norberta?: No, I am not

Is she Magdiel?: Yes, she is / -Is she Raquel?: No, she isn’t

Who questions:

Who are you? / Who is she? / Who is he?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome to your English course 1

Dear students:

You are beginning a new stage in your studies. New challenges, new teachers, new friends, new subjets.

This semester, 2010-2011 "B", you will take English I in group 403. The schedule is Tuesday from 8:00 to 9:30 and Thursday from 9:00 to 10:30.

The purpose of this blog is to offer you a space in which you find:
-answers to your questions regarding the course
-a guide to the activities we see in every class
-help to organize your activities portfolio

I am very positive about this new course with your group. I am certain we will learn a lot together.

Norberto Morales
Your teacher