Thursday, April 21, 2011

There is/there are

Vincent's Bedroom at Arles by Vincent Van Gogh
This is one of Van Gogh's superb paintings.  I am sure you all have seen it in your art class. All right, let's use it to practice There is/there are. Complete the sentences and questions. Remember what we saw in class, there is for singular, there are for plural.

1) In Vincent's bedroom there is a _______ and there is a____________.
2) In Vincent's bedroom there are _______________ and there are __________.
3) In Vincent's bedroom there _________ any bookshelf.
4) In Vincent's bedroom there ___________ two beds.

Is there a window in Vincent's bedroom?_________________
Are there two pillows in Vincent's bedroom? _______________
How many paintings are there in Vincent's bedroom?___________________
Is there any towel hanging off the wall?___________________
How many chairs are there in Vincent's bedroom?__________________

Copy the questions in a word document and send it with the answers to:

Have a nice vacation!!!