Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Where are you from?

-Leo is from USA

-Kate is from England

-Daisuke is from Japan

-Lucy and Ana are from Argentina

-Charlize and Stuart are from Australia

Questions for yes:

-Is Kate from England? Yes, she is.
-Is Leo from USA? Yes, he is.
-Are Lucy and Ana from Argentina? Yes, they are.

Questions for no:

-Is Daisuke from Italy? No, he isn't
-Is Leo from Mexico? No, he isn't
-Are Charlize and Stuart from Japan? No, they aren't.

"W" questions:

-Where is she/he from?

-Where are you/they from?

Monday, September 23, 2013

I speak, she speaks

I speak Spanish
She speaks Russian
He speaks Japanese

I speak Spanish
You (dear student) speak Spanish, too
Maria speaks Russian
Daisuke speaks Japanese
In Mexico, we speak Spanish
In Canada, they speak English

And they, what language do they speak?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I am, You are...

I am Norbert

 He is Rafael
She is Maria


You are Djokovic

                                                      I am Norbert
                                                     You are Djokovic
                                                     He is Rafael
                                                     She is María

Questions for Yes (remember: Norbert asks the questions to Djokovic):

                                                     N: Are you Djokovic?
                                                     D: Yes, I am
                                                     N: Is he Rafael?
                                                     D: Yes, he is
                                                     N: Is she Maria?
                                                     D: Yes, she is

Questions for No, the Who questions:

                                                     N: Are you Rafael?
                                                     D: No, I am not
                                                     N: Are you, Johnny?
                                                     D: No, I am not
                                                     N: Are you Jeffry?
                                                     D: No, I am not
                                                     N: Who are you?
                                                     D: I am Djokovic

                                                     N: Is she Luisa?
                                                     D: No, she isn't
                                                     N: Is she Bertha?
                                                     D: No, she isn't
                                                     N: Is she Tonya?
                                                     D: No, she isn't
                                                     N: Who is she?
                                                     D: She is Maria

Now, it is your turn to ask the questions about Rafael

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unit 1 Lesson Two

Unit 1 Lesson Two: Introductions and Greetings II

Instrucciones: Muy bien, en la lección pasada practicaste la presentación y saludo con alguien que no conocías.
En esta lección practicarás el saludo con alguien que ya conoces y después le presentarás a alguien.
Recuerda que al principio tu teacher pedirá a algunos estudiantes pasar al frente para recrear los  microdiálogos que después tú podrás practicar con tus compañeros. 
Jorge: Hi, Manuel, how are you?
Manuel: I’m very fine. And you?
Jorge: I am doing fine, thank you.
Manuel: It´s good to hear that.

Jorge: Hi, Manuel, how are you?
Manuel: I’m very fine. And you?
Jorge: I am doing fine, thank you.
Manuel: It´s good to hear that.
Introducing a third person:
Javier: Hi, Martín, how are you?
Martín: I’m very fine. And you?
Javier: I am doing fine, thank you.
Martín: It´s good to hear that.
Javier: Martín, let me introduce you to Ana. 
Ana, this is my friend Martín. Martín, 
this is my friend Ana.
Martín: Ana, nice to meet you.
Ana: Nice to meet you too, Martín.
Ahora, en vez de Javier, Martín y Ana, hagan equipos de tres y practiquen la presentación de una tercera persona.
Teacher: no olvides dar a tus estudiantes todas las opciones formales e informales de introductions and greetings. Esto les dará a ellos una espectro más amplio de comunicación efectiva.
A continuación un video que te ayudará a mejorar tu aprendizaje de este tema. Como verás es una presentación formal que aparte incluye deletrear el apellido (algo que practicaremos más adelante).

See you next class, bye!!!

1 comment:

Hey teacher! well, here i am, i hope been writing in the correct info.
jajaja! bueno, le he dado una checada a my english book, excelente info! bueno, nos vemos la siguente clase!
att: Rodrigo (El Gitanillo)